Data Model

The annotations emitted from LibCrowds Viewer are based on the Web Annotations Data Model, see See Annotations for specific examples for each type of task.

Property Type Description
@context String The JSON-LD context (always '')
id String An automatically generated UUID (to be replaced with an IRI by the client when the Annotation is stored)
type String The class for Web Annotations (always 'Annotation')
motivation String The relationship between the Annotation and a Motivation
created String The time at which the Annotation was created
generated String The time at which the Annotation serialization was generated
modified String The time at which the Annotation was modified, after its creation
target String or Object The target of the Annotation
body Object The relationship between the Annotation and its Body


The annotation target is specified via the target property of each task configuration.

If a String is passed as the task target and a specific fragment is subsequently selected, as is the case in select mode, then the target will be modified according to the properties below.

Property Type Description
source String The initial target
selector Object The relationship between the resource and a selector
selector.type String The class of the selector (always 'FragmentSelector')
selector.conformsTo String The fragment selector syntax IRI (always '')
selector.value String The contents of the fragment component


"target": {
  "source": "",
  "selector": {
    "type": "FragmentSelector",
    "conformsTo": "",
    "value": "xywh=100,100,100,100"


The Annotation body will differ depending on the task configuration.


Tags are used to associate some label, generally as plain text, with the target.

Property Type Description
type String The type of the resource (always 'TextualBody')
purpose String The reason for the inclusion (always 'tagging')
value String The tag text


  "type": "TextualBody",
  "purpose": "tagging",
  "value": "title"

Semantic Tags

Semantic Tags are used to link the annotation to a URI that identifies a specific resource.

Property Type Description
type String The type of the resource (always 'SpecificResource')
purpose String The reason for the inclusion (always 'classifying')
source String A URI identifying the specific resource


  "type": "SpecificResource",
  "purpose": "classifying",
  "source": ""


Descriptions are used to describe the target in plain text.

Property Type Description
type String The type of the resource (always 'TextualBody')
purpose String The reason for the inclusion (always 'describing')
format String The format of the description (always 'text/plain')
value String The description text


  "type": "TextualBody",
  "purpose": "describing",
  "format": "text/plain",
  "value": "The Merchant of Venice"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""