
LibCrowds Viewer provides a range of configuration options that are passed as properties. Most of these are optional but allow for more flexible implementations where required.


All of the following properties, apart from task-opts, are optional.

Property Type Default Description
task-opts Array An array of task options (see Tasks)
pan-by Number 0.1 Multiplier by which to pan
zoom-by Number 0.2 Multiplier by which to zoom
confirm-before-unload Boolean true Confirm before leaving the page
disable-complete Boolean true Disable completed tasks to prevent multiple submission
show-note Boolean true Include the note input
show-form-errors Boolean true Show form errors on submit
show-related-tasks Boolean false Show all tasks related to the same image
next-on-submit Object true Move to the next task on after submission
confirm-on-submit Boolean false Show a confirmation box on submission
toolbar-buttons Object See below Toolbar button configuration details (see Toolbar Buttons)
sidebar-buttons Object See below Sidebar button configuration details (see Sidebar Buttons)
selections-editable Boolean true Allow the editing of selections from the sidebar
browsable Boolean true Allow browsing back and forth between tasks
show-help-on-mount Boolean false Show the help modal when the component is mounted
before-submit Promise Empty promise A function that recieves the task data as an argument and should return a promise that resolves if the submission should go ahead and rejects otherwise
disable-modals Boolean false Disable display of the default modals

Toolbar Buttons

The buttons object contains the following default options. To hide a particular button set its property to false. To change a button's tooltip enter a String.

Property Type Default Description
fullscreen Boolean or String 'Fullscreen' The fullscreen button
help Boolean or String 'Help' The help button
info Boolean or String 'Details' The info button
browse Boolean or String 'Browse Tasks' The browse tasks button
download Boolean or String 'Download' The download button

Any key-value pairs added to the buttons object that are not listed above will be rendered as additional buttons. The key should be the name of a Font Awesome icon, whereas the value will be used as the tooltip text. When the button is clicked the toolbarbtnclick event will be emited with the key as the only argument.

The buttons object contains the following default options. To hide a particular button set its property to false. To change a button's text enter a String.

Property Type Default Description
note Boolean or String 'Add a note' The note button
submit Boolean or String 'Submit' The submit button


Tasks are created from an array of objects with the following properties. These objects are passed to the viewer via task-opts.

Property Type Attributes Description
mode String The task more (see Annotation Modes)
tileSource String or Object The tile source specifier (see Tile Sources)
target String or Object The target of the annotation (see Data Model)
manifest String optional A IIIF manifest URI used to fill the info modal
objective String optional The main objective
guidance String optional Additional guidance
thumbnailUrl String optional URL for a thumbnail image to use in the browse modal
id String optional Task identifier
form Object optional Form properties (see Forms)
highlights Array optional Coordinates identifying regions of the image to highlight. This can also be achived by passing a FragmentSelector as part of the target object, see the Data Model
tag String optional A tag
classification String optional A Semantic Tag (e.g.
complete Boolean optional Mark the task as complete
bounds Object optional Parameters to fit screen to when task loaded (x, y, width and height)

See the Annotations section for some examples of using the above options to configure tasks.


In transcribe mode, the form can be configured with the following properties.

Property Type Attributes Description
model Object See vue-form-generator
schema Object See vue-form-generator
classifications Object optional A SpecificResource IRI for each model key
fragments Object optional A fragment to highlight for each model key


The following slots are available.

Name Description
help Slots in above the viewer controls section in the help model
info Content for the info modal (overwrites task.manifest)
footer Add items into the sidebar footer, above the submit and note buttons


To customise the appearance of the viewer, the following Sass variables can be overridden, before importing the libcrowds-viewer.scss file.

The defaults are shown below.

/* Core colours */
$lv-gray:                       #666666 !default;
$lv-gray-dark:                  darken($lv-gray, 35%) !default;
$lv-gray-light:                 lighten($lv-gray, 40%) !default;
$lv-white:                      #FFFFFF !default;
$lv-blue:                       #3498DB !default;
$lv-yellow:                     #F5D76E !default;
$lv-green:                      #4DAF7C !default;
$lv-red:                        #E33732 !default;
$lv-main-bg:                    #000000 !default;
$lv-hud-bg:                     rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) !default;

/* Selection colours */
$lv-selection-bg:               rgba($lv-blue, 0.2) !default;
$lv-selection-border:           $lv-blue !default;
$lv-selection-confirmed-bg:     rgba($lv-green, 0.2) !default;
$lv-selection-confirmed-border: $lv-green !default;
$lv-selection-related-bg:       rgba($lv-yellow, 0.2) !default;
$lv-selection-related-border:   $lv-yellow !default;
$lv-selection-danger-bg:        rgba($lv-red, 0.2) !default;
$lv-selection-danger-border:    $lv-red !default;
$lv-selection-active-bg:        rgba($lv-green, 0.35) !default;
$lv-selection-active-border:    $lv-green !default;

/* Button colors */
$btn-colors: () !default;
$btn-colors: map-merge((
  "white":  $lv-white,
  "blue":   $lv-blue,
  "yellow": $lv-yellow,
  "green":  $lv-green,
  "red":    $lv-red
), $btn-colors);

/* Fonts */
$lv-font-size-sm:         0.85rem !default;
$lv-font-size-lg:         1.25rem !default;
$lv-font-family-base:     apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol" !default;
$lv-font-family-headings: inherit !default;

/* Task Sidebar */
$lv-sidebar-padding-x:    1.25rem !default;
$lv-sidebar-padding-y:    0.75rem;
$lv-sidebar-bg:           $lv-gray-dark;
$lv-sidebar-border:       $lv-gray;

/* Toolbars */
$lv-toolbar-xs-height:    30px !default;

/* Modals */
$lv-modal-bg:             $lv-gray-dark;
$lv-modal-border:         $lv-gray-light;

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